The Science and Application of Socio-Economic Governance
Governance will be the most exciting “boring” topic in the near future. Governance sounds boring to most people, and it seems out of reach residing only in corporate boardrooms and government agencies. But governance is ubiquitous across society. I theorize it may be the most deeply engrained aspect of the human condition. Humans seem to be mentally programmed to comprehend governance in a similar way we are programmed to learn a language.
Governance as a Social Interaction Language
Governance is the social language of how groups interact. We all know how critical it is for us to “fit in” and to figure out “how things are done” in a group setting. This is so critical that one could speculate that the language of governance existed prior to a verbal language. Regardless of the historic reality, a successful future depends on a critical mass of society being governance literate.
Governance Paradox of Wicked Problems
Today’s mix of socio-economic problems, or so-called wicked problems, require diverse entities and different sectors to converge, that is to bring together their resources, information, and strategies. Yet, when organizations converge, a new set of issues related to governance is created. The solution to wicked problems is not just to ‘work together’, but to align “how things are done” among all the organizations. Meta-governance is emerging as an important skill as diverse and disparate entities and sectors converge to resolve socio-economic or so-called wicked issues.
Google© Governance Glasses
If 20 people from government, corporate, and NGO sectors gather to resolve an issue, each of their strategies inherently uses a different governance style. In many collaboratives, it is not agreeing to the ultimate outcome (e.g., clean water, sustainable landscapes, reduced poverty, etc.), but “how things should be done” that is primary conflict.
To exasperate the conflict, few to no one in the collaboration will be governance literate and consciously know their governance style preference or as importantly, be able to recognize the governance style the others bring to the collaboration.
Now, imagine sitting at the round table with a pair of Google© Governance Glasses that identified the type of governance actor each member was, the governance style they will bring to the collaborative, and what the governance footprint is of their organization. With this information one could see the potential conflicts and compatibility relative to “how things could be done” regardless of the issue being discussed.
Without Google© Governance Glasses and without being conscious of what your governance style is, organizations and collaborative begin by skipping over or ignoring governance and immediately rely on developing relationships in the hope that the relationships will be the foundation for “working together”. Unfortunately, this is a fragile, and costly strategy that does not have the potential to override the unseen and unknown governance forces.
People are Good Problem Solvers
In the midst of our current social transformation, it may not seem like people are good problem solvers, but the reality is that 8 billion+ people inhabit Earth because people have been successful at solving technical, scientific, political, and social economic problems. And they solve these problems by working together using social modes of interaction.
Where Did Governance Come From?
Governance is a quality of human society that emerges from three historical social modes of interaction: authoritarianism, individualism, and egalitarianism. As each social mode of interaction is collectively applied it manifests in the three governance styles: hierarchy, market, and network.
The three governance styles manifest in the three societal sectors: government, corporate, and non-government (non-profit) sectors. In other words, the sectors of government, corporate, and NGO sectors did/do not choose their governance styles, the governance styles ‘chose’ them. Another way to state this is to say that the sectors are the vehicles to deliver society’s governance style to solve problems.
A Fourth Style of Governance Emerged in the 1990s
Governance styles have evolved as social issues became more complex. Hierarchy governance is the oldest style and emerged from chaotic fiefdom-like gangs to provide order and enable organizations to scale up. Market governance emerged as science played a greater role in solution development. More efficient and innovative markets were needed to solve society’s issues. Network governance emerged in the 18th century s to address society’s new global interconnectedness and issues that governments and markets could not.
The internet ushered in a new collective mode of social interaction that enables organizations and sectors to converge around complex social issues. Applying the social mode-governance style-social sector theory, this collective mode of interaction manifests to a new shared governance style, and into a new social sector.
Societal Problems
Societal problems can be categorized by the degree of consensus and disagreement relative to knowledge and values of an issue. An issue is technical in nature if there is consensus on the value and knowledge. It is scientific if there is consensus on values, but disagreement on knowledge. It is political is there is disagreement on values, but consensus on knowledge.
And it is a socio-economic or wicked issue if there is disagreement on values and knowledge. Most of society’s issues are socio-economic or wicked issues but are often interpreted as political issues. This is a critical error as misdiagnosing the type of problem (or not even considering what type of problem to be resolved) as it results in the misapplication of governance styles.
Societal Problems and Governance Styles
Society can effectively solve problems by applying the governance styles best suited to resolve the issue.
Each governance style has advantages and limitations to solve specific issues. Hierarchy governance is effective at solving technical issues with its directive nature. Market governance relies on innovation and motivation to seek out solutions. Network governance seeks compromise between parties. Shared governance is the management and application of the ‘right” mix of the three governance styles to resolve ongoing, complex, wicked problems.
Governance Actors and Styles
Governance actors are the active participants making decisions that generate the outputs and outcomes. In social governance, these actors are identified by the four aspects of a governance compass: public, private, policymaker and practitioner. This generates four governance actor types: Public Policy-Maker, Public Practitioners, Private Policy-Maker and Private Practitioner.
Each actor type is prone to prefer specific governance styles. For example, public policymakers predominantly apply hierarchy governance, but they may also apply degrees of market and network styles.
A collaborative can be assessed by the ratio of involvement by governance actor types. If the collaborative is led by a certain actor type, a person that is governance literate (meta-governor) can interpret this information and can make some fairly accurate assumptions on how the collaborative is going to attempt to solve the problems it is organized around.
Governance Style Preference Assessment
To look beyond and far deeper into the interworking of a collaborative, governance actors can be assessed for their governance preference. This individual information can be compiled to create intra-organizational, inter-organizational, and collaborative perspectives.
The value of a governance style preference assessment can be compared to the use and application of the widely used personality assessments created by Carl Jung. He stated that the purpose of the personality assessment was not to classify human beings into categories, as that, in itself, would be pretty pointless and unproductive. The purpose is to provide an orderly framework to understand the many personality variations and to describe fundamental differences between personalities.
It is from this perspective that the governance style preference assessment will be used. The purpose is to provide an orderly way for all collaborators to appreciate and understand the context of their involvement and provide insights into the nature of an individual’s, organization’s, and collaborative’s governance footprint. With this new knowledge, facilitators and collaborators will be able to gain insights into inherent conflicts and compatibilities associated with governance frameworks.
Creating Governance Literacy
Society cannot resolve its current socio-economic or wicked problems without a critical mass of people being governance literate. Governance is an ubiquitous and invisible force on society that is on par with the force of gravity and its force on physical bodies.
People overlook the need of governance literacy because they can solve some problems with governance illiteracy. The degree of success is much like the Wright Brothers and their winged bicycle. The Wright Brothers did not need to understand gravity to get their bicycle airborne, but NASA did need to thoroughly understand gravity to send a rocket to the moon. In much the same way, organizations do not need to be governance literate to get their effort off the ground, but organizations will not be able to resolve complex socio-economic wicked issues without being governance literate.
Creating governance literacy is not a heavy lift. As noted earlier, people have a mental predisposition to understand governance. This was demonstrated during governance workshops, “From Silos to Collaborations: Creating Governance Frameworks that Work”. The workshops began by describing much of the information in this document and providing the five governance terms: actors, styles, footprints, shifts, and frameworks. To my pleasant surprise, after a 40-minute introduction, the participants began chatting with each other on each of their actor types and styles. These terms provided the context and language to verbalize what each of us inherently know about social governance. It resides in our families, communities, churches, playgrounds, office, and governments. It is the invisible and ubiquitous force that we bring to every social interaction. It has amazing and profound power if it is understood and applied collectively and consciously. Governance literacy is the starting point for resolving every type of issue we confront whether we know it or not.
Timothy Gieseke’ career path has traversed through government, private business, and non-government sectors while focusing on the common issue of landscape sustainability from ecological and economic perspectives. He noticed that when he entered a new sector, he would approach the same sustainability problem with a different strategy. He later learned that these different approaches where embedded deeply into the governance of the sector. This led him to explore the transcendence nature of solving complex, socially wicked issues.
He authored three books that outline the environmental, socio-economics, and governance of EcoCommerce for the purpose of addressing economic externalities. His third book Collaborative Environmental Governance Frameworks: A Practical Guide (2019) covers this documents. His second book, Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes (2016) introduces the NCU (natural capital unit) that functions as an landscape accounting unit and a shared governance catalyst. His first book, EcoCommerce 101: Adding an ecological dimension to the economy (2011) describes the intimate relationship natural capital, the environment, and the economic have relative to the welfare of society and nature.
A purpose of this document is to seek partners to take his 2018 workshops and the governance style preference assessment to an online community to create a Social Governance community in the next decade at the similar scale we are experienced the emergence of the Social Media community of the last decade.