Thank you, Floris.
And yes, sharing complex systems thinking is a challenge and I think often not necessary for all audiences. Few people understand or care about micro- and macro-economics but are regular participants in them.
In my second book, Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes (2016) I proposed three principle causes of wicked problems.
1) socio-economic systems have outputs and outcomes that vary in scope and scale, 2) system stakeholders apply different measurement schemes and values to the outputs and outcomes that vary in scope and scale, and 3) stakeholders belong to organizations that use different governance styles to develop and apply measurement schemes and valuations to the varying outputs and outcomes that vary in scope and scale.
Because governance is confusing or often taboo to discuss within an organization, our sustainability efforts focus on #1 and #2, when sustainability solutions must begin at #3.
In that book, I also introduce an NCU (natural capital unit) to address 1, 2, and 3 in interdependent manners. I created it because l learned it was the missing link to bring my EcoCommerce (2011) model to fruition.
On our timeline, we will be putting together the Tech Architecture Plan (~ May, 2023) to create an NCU blockchain to support EcoCommerce.