Introducing the “Invisible Force” of the Economy
No, that is not a typo, the “Invisible Hand” is something different.
And let’s address that concept first. Adam Smith coined the Invisible Hand term to describe how each individual is motivated to seek the money, time, and resources they need to maintain their livelihood.
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
Smith uses this phrase to illustrate his concept of the invisible hand and how individuals acting in their own self-interest can lead to socially beneficial outcomes, such as the production and distribution of goods and services.
Emergent Behavior of a Complex System
I interpret Smith’s work as his way of explaining emergent behavior of a complex socioeconomic system. He wrote this in 1776 at a time when complex systems were poorly understood and so, the invisible hand was his quaint and ingenious way of explain socioeconomic complexity.
The invisible hand are the micro-economic interactions that happen between people. The outputs and outcomes of the economy are directly related to the data, information, and parameters outlined in the economic system.
For example, if a good or service is intangible and accounting for and transacting that good or service is too cumbersome or too costly relative to its value, then the Invisible hand will have to pass on incorporating that into transactions. The data and feedback mechanism simply to not exist. The result: positive and negative externalities.
The Invisible Hand is a neutral concept that when applied to an economic system, it takes on the values and processes of that system. If values and/or processes change, then the invisible hand algorithm changes too.
The key point is that the Invisible Hand describes the microeconomic activity of an economic system.
The Invisible Force of the Economy
The Invisible Force is rooted in macroeconomics and goes as deep as the source of the economy’s currencies. At first blush, the invisible force and hand may seem independent from each other, but macroeconomics impacts how microeconomics eventually plays itself out.
The access to new currencies blurs the lines between macro and microeconomic dynamics, as the creation, distribution, and acceptance of new forms of currency impact everything from individual consumer behavior to global trade flows.
Sources of Currencies
Prior to this century, the source of a currency was not negotiable, and so, it was pretty much a moot point on how the source of a currency creates a force that drives a large portion of the economy.
In the last decade, the proliferation of currencies has led to the emergence of multiple categories of sources and to the concept of evaluating the source of a currency and its potential to generate its own invisible force.
Fiat Currencies: Government-issued currencies that are not backed by a physical commodity (like gold or silver) but instead derive their value from the trust and authority of the issuing government. Source: debt
Commodity-Backed Currencies: Currencies that are backed by physical assets like gold, silver, or other commodities. These currencies have intrinsic or physical-based value tied to the underlying asset. Includes cryptocurrencies (e.g., Paxos Gold, Digix) that derive value from gold. Source: physical commodity.
Cryptocurrencies: Digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on decentralized networks, usually leveraging blockchain technology. Source: electricity, algorithms.
Stablecoins: Cryptocurrencies designed to minimize price volatility by pegging their value to a stable asset, such as fiat currencies, commodities, or other cryptocurrencies. Source: varies
Quasi-Currencies and Community Currencies: Local or community-based currencies used within specific regions, organizations, or networks. These are not officially recognized as legal tender but serve as alternative means of exchange. Source: varies
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Digital forms of fiat currencies issued and regulated by central banks, designed to function as legal tender. Source: debt
Non-Fiat, Asset-Backed Cryptocurrencies: A hybrid, quasi, non-fiat cryptocurrency that integrates features from fiat, crypto, and quasi-currency systems, backed by tangible assets. Source: varies
The Force of the Source of a Currency
The source of each category or type of currency generates its own invisible force on the economic system.
For example, when the USD was a commodity-based currency sourced from gold, the invisible force motivated millions to “Go West” and dig and pan for gold, set up smelters, refine, transport, store, and guard the gold. The Gold Rush was not about jewelry, but the drive of the invisible force of the economy created by the source of the currency.
The source of the USD shifted in 1971 to a debt-based fiat, the so-called Nixon Shock. The source of the USD became the Federal Reserve and commercial banking. Do you want to create new USDs? Go to your bank and take out a loan. The debt you initiated is the source of the USD. Rather than millions heading west to dig for gold, millions enter the debt-based currency system and the financialization of most everything. The invisible hand informs currency creators of the invisible force and any which way money can be generated, it is. A huge invisible force that today’s economists shy away from, or even cringe, when it is presented to them.
One can do this exercise for bitcoin, dogecoin, or cowie shells, ria stones, Euro, etc. The source of a currency creates an invisible force that motivates people, institutions, and governments to create more of the source to create more of the currency.
Relative to the Ria stone, David Dean O’Keefe, an Irish-born American sailor and adventurer, produced Rai stones in large quantities using modern tools, which devalued the currency. The source of the Ria stone was a quarry and the technology and know-how to shape the Ria. It is obvious that O’Keefe would not have carved Ria stones if the force of the source did not motivate him. It is so obvious that people fail to think about the motivations.
So What?
Even after that eloquent and novel explanation of how the source of a currency drives behaviors at the most fundamental component of an economic system, many people cannot see the implications or imagine how they could use this knowledge to resolve social, political, and planetary issues. It is no longer a moot point, but a very salient point at the precipice of major economic, social, and political changes across the globe.
The debt-based USD fiat is 53 years old, which is getting old for an untethered fiat and unfettered minting. Bitcoin is making a big splash, but its invisible force does not change the trajectory of massive consumption and degradation of vital ecological resources. Bitcoin’s Achilles heal is it has no bounds on it value range. Other nations are shifting currency alliances to create new sources and new forces that benefit them.
Utilizing the Force of the Source of Currencies
With each of us having access to this very old power presented in a very new way, what would you propose the source of a currency and how would you wield that force?
From my perspective, the salient and idea currency source would use the Force of Nature. There is nothing more fundamental to the health of the economy and its people than a functioning landscape and seascape to generate food, water, and biomass for our use. The more natural capital generates, the less expensive food, water, and biomass become. The largest deflationary power is natural capital.
In contrast, the largest enduring inflationary power is ecological-induced inflation where the landscapes and seascapes can no longer effectively, efficiently, and sustainably generate the stuffs people need to be prosperous.
There is no greater force to be harnessed than the Force of Nature, and there is no greater human force than the invisible force derived from the source of a currency.
A decade ago, this was not possible. Now it seems highly probable.
The NCU-4 model (natural capital unit) logic is understood. The technology has caught up to the idea in the last decade. Bitcoin expanded the playing field on what a currency is and how it can be sourced, but its unstable nature will keep it as a store of value, not a currency of use.
An NCU-4 based cryptocurrency is range-bound due to the ecological and economic forces applied to the NCU. Its minting and distribution is based on supply and demand forces (similar to how the USD is currently generated by banks, but not in a fiat way, of course). It growth rate is directly correlated to need and use. There is room for speculators to make a profit, but the NCU-4 currency, it is not a Numbers Go Up, like FTX or bitcoin.
Its unique feature is that it is range-bound. Nations go to great lengths and costs to maintain their currencies within a range, why not design a currency with a source that has an inherent force that maintains a range-bound scenario.
The USD is 53 years old. I am just a bit older, but feel quite a bit wiser. Bitcoin is a lot smarter than I, but it is just a currency teenager, so I have a tendency to feel a lot wiser than any teenager — as one should be.
The force of the source of a currency is the ultimate driving force of its economic system, until the force of the source of a currency runs it course, of course. We are witnessing the running of the course of the debt-based USD fiat. The force is waning as the debt benefit is revealed as a liability.
Thankfully, there is a logical option to acquire a new source, and hence a new, energetic force.
Timothy Gieseke’ career path has traversed through government, private business, and non-government sectors while focusing on the common issue of landscape sustainability from ecological and economic perspectives. This led him to explore the transcendence nature of solving complex, socially wicked issues, and that the source of a currency is vital to the long-term economic health and wellbeing.
He authored three books that outline the environmental, socio-economics, and governance of EcoCommerce for the purpose of addressing economic externalities. His third book Collaborative Environmental Governance Frameworks: A Practical Guide (2019) describes how shared governance can be used to organize socioeconomic efforts. His second book, Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes (2016) introduces the NCU (natural capital unit) that functions as a landscape accounting unit, a shared governance catalyst, and the source of a currency. His first book, EcoCommerce 101: Adding an ecological dimension to the economy (2011) describes the intimate relationship natural capital, the environment, and the economic have relative to the welfare of society and nature.
He sees no other path forward other than one that begins with a NCU-4 based currency to internalize the $B of economic externalties.